Guidelines for Presenters

Oral Presentation Guidelines

1) Preparing presentation data

  • All presenters must prepare their presentation in the form of PC presentation with Microsoft PowerPoint for 1 screen.
  • Slide size of 16:9 is recommended.
    The projection equipment at the venue is 16:9. Margins for sizes other than 16:9 will be displayed in black.
  • Language: English
  • Only Windows OS can be used. (PCs at the session room are OS Windows 10)
    *If you have created materials on a Mac, please bring your own PC as a backup.
  • Save your presentation as Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows ver. 2013・2021 (recommended).
    *Ver. 2016 and 2019 is also available, but minor deviations may occur. Please preview at the PC center.
  • Fonts: Windows 10 standard fonts
    (Times New Roman, Arial, Georgia, MS Gothic Regular, Verdana, Yu Gothic, etc.)
  • Videos must be playable with Windows Media Player. Please do not use special video codecs.
  • The PowerPoint Presenter View is not available.

2) Details

  • Presentation time: 18 minutes for presentation, 6 minutes for discussion. (1 min. for alternation)
  • Please be cautious not to identify individuals in any content that may conflict with personal information.
  • Presenters should bring their pptx files with them by using their USB memory stick and upload them at the PC Center , which is in front of the registration desk, at the earliest possible convenience. You should upload them by the day before your presentation.
  • Don’t bring the files and your laptops directly to the presentation room.
    *If you wish to present on your own laptop, you must contact the Secretariat.
    Permission from the committee is required. We appreciate your cooperation.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

1) Poster size

  • Within A0 size (H1189mm×W841mm)
    * Poster board size: H2100×W900

2) Details

  • Language: English
  • Postings and presentations will be made in the poster session rooms (Convention Hall A and B).
  • Poster sessions are scheduled on two separate days: Session 1 is on Monday July 10 and Session 2 is on Tuesday July 11. Please check the Program page for the date of your presentation.
  • Posters are to be printed before commencement of the conference and brought to the venue.
    The secretariat will prepare pushpins there.
  • Please be cautious not to identify individuals in any content that may conflict with personal information.


Information will be updated as needed